Printed book

J. G. Sparwenfelds Diary of a Journey to Russia 1684-87
Ulla Birgegård
Publisher Kungl. Vitterhetsakademien
Series Slavica Suecana, Series A - Publications, 1
Buy 265 SEK
- Published 2002
- Isbn 9174023241
- Issn 1102-2418
- Slavica Suecana, Series A - Publications, 1
- Type Paperback
- 378 pages
Two series of Slavica Suecana are published: A - Publications and B - Studies.
The aim of Slavica Suecana is to publish previously unedited and reprint old published documents relating to Slavica in Swedish archives and libraries, as well as to publish the results of scholary investigation concerning such material.
The idea for the Slavica Suecana logotype originates from Sparwenfeld’s diary of his Russian journey. There he describes a tree he observed on the Swedish-Russian border, with a crown carved in its bark on the Swedish side and a cross on the Russian.
The aim of Slavica Suecana is to publish previously unedited and reprint old published documents relating to Slavica in Swedish archives and libraries, as well as to publish the results of scholary investigation concerning such material.
The idea for the Slavica Suecana logotype originates from Sparwenfeld’s diary of his Russian journey. There he describes a tree he observed on the Swedish-Russian border, with a crown carved in its bark on the Swedish side and a cross on the Russian.