Printed book

The Queen Lovisa Ulrika Collection of Numismatic Literature – An Illustrated and Annotated Catalogue
Clas-Ove Strandberg
Publisher Kungl. Vitterhetsakademien
Series Fristående monografier, 0
Buy 354 SEK
- Published 2001
- Isbn 9174023114
- Fristående monografier, 0
- Type Hardcover
- 190 pages
The complete catalogue of the Queen Lovisa Ulrika Collection of Numismatic Literature in the Library of the Royal Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities, Stockholm, is printed with bibliographic information, including descriptions of the bindings, and notes on the authors. Photographic illustrations of the title pages accompany the bibliographic descriptions.
The major part of the collection was brought together by Count Carl Gustaf Tessin in the early part of the eighteenth century and sold by him to Queen Lovisa Ulrika in the 1750’s. Upon the death of the Queen’s son, Gustav III, the books were moved to the Royal Museum in which the collections of coins and medals were kept, later to be transferred to the Academy Library.
The major part of the collection was brought together by Count Carl Gustaf Tessin in the early part of the eighteenth century and sold by him to Queen Lovisa Ulrika in the 1750’s. Upon the death of the Queen’s son, Gustav III, the books were moved to the Royal Museum in which the collections of coins and medals were kept, later to be transferred to the Academy Library.